Top Reasons Your Dog Eats Long Grass and Throws It Up!

Top Reasons Your Dog Eats Grass [and Throws It Up!]

Ever found your dog eating a buffet of long green grass, only later to find out he threw it all up? It seems very peculiar when a dog eats grass even though their food dish is full! As a pet owner you may be concerned that your dog is sick, hungry, or stressed. Rest assured that eating grass is considered a normal behaviour for dogs, however, it could mean your dog is self-medicating for a larger issue. You simply have to know your dog’s moods, habits, and health to be the expert with this situation.

Here are some common reasons dog’s eat grass:

Relieve Stomach and Digestion Pain

Top Reasons Your Dog Eats Long Grass and Throws It Up!Studies showthat less than 25% of dogs’ vomit after digesting grass. A review of published studies can’t conclude a one single reason as to why dogs ‘graze on grass’. So what brings on this canine behaviour? Some research suggests that a dog may have stomach upset, gas, and/or bloating, therefore eats grass to induce vomiting, and then feels better afterwards.

Other studies suggest this is how dogs’ self-regulate to treat intestinal worms or to increase digestion. It is said that dogs lack the gastric enzymes to break down grass fibres, however, they use the long strands to induce vomiting when their stomach is upset. One study reported that when a dog has motion sickness, it eats grass and vomits to alleviate symptoms of stomach upset as soon as it gets out of the vehicle!

Lack of Nutrients

A few studies have shown that a dog may be lacking chlorophyll or need a high fibre diet if they are regularly consuming grass. Long before dogs became domesticated they foraged for food; eating grasses, berries, fruits, and vegetables. So when our four legged friends eat grass today we shouldn’t be overly concerned unless you observe other health conditions and concerns. If you are worried about the quality of grass your canine friend may be ingesting, you can create a pet friendly grass plot in your yard!Top Reasons Your Dog Eats Long Grass and Throws It Up!

Just for Fun

Some dogs just find it fun or relaxing to graze grass. This is especially common for puppies who are looking for entertainment.

If your dog is always munching on the lawn you should consult a Veterinarian to rule out any medical or behavioural issues. With the use of herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers on outdoor gardens and lawns, you must be careful where your dog decides to chew their greens. Check with your local nursery or Animal Poison Control Center to familiarize yourself with toxic plants and grasses that grow in your yard or local parks.

Top Reasons Your Dog Eats Long Grass and Throws It Up!Wether your canine eats grass and vomits or not, she should be on a Veterinarian approved nutritional diet plus a regular parasite control program. If you are unable spend time with your dog outdoors or unfamiliar with the area, please contact Pet City Canada for professional dog walking services to keep your dog safe and healthy in local parks.