Best Outdoor Dog Walking Parks in Lethbridge Alberta

Best Outdoor Dog Walking Parks in Lethbridge, Alberta

Isn’t it funny when your dog gets so excited to arrive at his favorite park? Dogs are social creatures who love to run and interact with their canine counterparts and what better place to do that than in a wide-open park! A healthy, happy dog is an active, social dog.

Off leash parks are great for dogs that love to run and play freely. Dogs seem to feel more at ease when they aren’t restricted by a leash, especially if the other dogs are running freely. Make sure you have a well socialized dog before they have contact with another animal or person. Spend time at home and around your neighbourhood socializing your dog before you head off to any dog park.

The City of Lethbridge is fortunate to have 94 on-leash dog friendly parks and 3 off-leash parks. Depending on your dog’s social ability and activity level you can choose between one of these two types of parks. Start slowly by introducing your dog to smaller parks to see how they interact with other dogs and people before venturing to busier parks. It will be easier to take your dog to a park the second time around if the first experience is a good one!

Best Outdoor Dog Walking Parks in Lethbridge, AlbertaLethbridge Off-Leash dog walking parks:

1. Peenaquim Park

2. Scenic Drive Dog Run

3. Popson Park

Check out: This site is a remarkable resource for pet owners and is very easy to navigate.

Lethbridge On-Leash dog walking parks:

1. Algonquin Park

2. Botterill Bottom Park

3. Chinook Park South

4. Coachwood Park

5. Elma Groves Park

6. Nicholas Sheran Park

There are too many On-Leash parks in Lethbridge to list them all in this post! Please visit for a full list of local parks, locations, and activities suitable for your dog.

Respect posted signs and always clean up after your pet. Enjoying dog parks with your pet is a great way for both of you to get exercise and meet other dogs and their owners.

Best Outdoor Dog Walking Parks in Lethbridge, AlbertaIf you are away from home for long periods of time during the day, consider hiring a professional dog walker. Dogs left at home for long periods of time can get bored or anxious. Having someone check in on them and take them out for exercise is beneficial for everyone. Contact us for more information on our dog walking service!