Knowing about some of the diseases and infections your dog is susceptible to will decrease the risk of illness and transmission. Many of the diseases and infections dogs can contract and spread can be avoided through keeping your pet’s vaccinations up to date.
Unfortunately, some of the diseases that can affect your dog can be transferred to you! Germs and diseases are transferred to people through dog bites, scratches, or contact with animal excrement, and are known as zoonotic diseases. Illnesses such as, rabies, toxocarilasis, brucellosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ringworm and round worm can cause concern for humans.

Not all canine diseases infect human beings but can be fatal to your pet. Some dog specific viruses, bacteria, and fungal infections are the parvovirus, distemper, heartworm, demodectic mange, kennel cough, dog tapeworm, leptospirosis, coccidioidomycosis, and canine herpesvirus.
The types of symptoms your dog experiences are dependent on the illness they have contracted. A wide range of symptoms are gastrointestinal upset, lethargy, weight loss, decreased appetite, vomiting, fever, cough, bloody diarrhea, dehydration, hair loss, pain, muscle weakness, and difficulty breathing, and possible death. Always seek the advice of a Veterinarian if your dog has any of these symptoms.
Viruses and bacterium are spread through infected airborne particles, direct contact of site infection, fecal oral transmission, or body excrement. To avoid transmission clean up urine, feces, or vomit immediately. Wash your hands after cleaning up after your pet! Keep your pet away from urine and feces left by other animals.
Many of the infectious diseases that affect dogs and humans can be minimized or avoided by keeping your pet’s vaccinations up to date. In fact, most doggy daycares require your pets vaccinations to be up to date prior to booking an appointment. Consult your Veterinarian for a recommended treatment and prevention plan.
Have your dog regularly groomed and clipped to monitor for skin, hair, and temperament changes. A professional groomer will also check your dog’s mouth, eyes and ears looking for any infections, inflammation, or abnormalities.
Please contact us at Pet City Canada to make an appointment to have your dog groomed. Our qualified groomers will be happy to assess and monitor your dog’s condition.
3 Tips to Take Care of Your Dog During a Pandemic
in Pet Tips, Safety/by Pet City CanadaYour dogs dream has come true. You are stuck at home. There is no waiting at the door for 9 hours watching the handle for your return. However, following the protocol for social distancing and/or isolation may interfere with your dogs plans for all your quality time together. Keep the following tips in mind as we go through these trying times. Always check current guidelines to stay updated.
Ensure Your Dog Is Getting Adequate Physical and Mental Activity
If it is safe to do so and falls under the current protocols, you can still walk your dog if you follow the recommended social distancing measures. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after your walk and ensure you or your dog don’t encounter other people. Although it appears that dogs can’t catch the current coronavirus, if we are unknowingly carrying the virus and pet our dog, someone else who decides to pet your dog could pick it up. If you do go out walking, avoid high traffic areas and keep away from dog parks at this time.
Keep in mind that mental stimulation is just as important. Take this time to spend extra time playing games with your dog in the house. Hide treats (in moderation) for a scavenger hunt, play tug a war and enjoy those extra snuggles.
Keep Eating Habits and Mealtimes on Routine
Like most humans, dogs thrive on routine. Keeping their food and meals on your typical routine will give them the feeling of security and predictability. All our routines have been disrupted, so ensuring your keep your dogs on as much of a routine as possible with help them cope with the ongoing changes. Try not to give your dog too many treats while you’re at home, keeping them in optimal health will help all of you get through these times.
As you have seen in the media there has been an unfortunate frantic frenzy to stock up on supplies for everyone. You do not need to rush to Costco and buy every bag of dog food on the floor. Ensuring you always have a two-week supply is a good measure to abide to. It is crucial that you have sufficient prescriptive medication for your pets along with any preventative medication (flea, tick and heart-worm medications) to keep your pet healthy during this time.
It is well known the benefit pets can have on our overall well-being. Enjoy that unconditional love of your pets right now, it is precious. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for updates and current protocols on the services we are continuing to offer, such as dog walking, daycare and grooming for dogs.
Top 3 Reasons to Hire a Professional Pet Sitter
in Dog Walking, Pet Tips/by Pet City CanadaNow that you’ve planned your spring vacation, you have all the vacation requests lined up, the kids have updated passports and you are dreaming of what beach you’re going to be engaging in some recuperation, it’s time to think about your beloved furry pet. There are many different options available for pet care and hiring a pet sitter to come into your home to take care of your dog is one of them. Here are a few factors to consider that make a pet sitter the best choice for your pets care.
Introvert or Social Butterfly
Some dogs just love to be around other dogs. They have been well socialized and would love nothing more than a 10-day non-stop play date. Other dogs, not so much. They are antisocial for varying reasons. Perhaps your dog is a recent rescue and has had past experiences with being with other dogs. Or possible your dog is a little older, and that puppy play is just too overwhelming. Then there’s those dogs that kind of forget they are dogs and turn their nose up at these four-legged creatures that like to go around sniffing each other.
If your dog is on the quieter side, or antisocial for any of the reasons above, having a pet sitter come into your home is a better option. They aren’t forced to engage in the rough play all day with the others and can enjoy their peace and quiet while still being taken care of.
Health Concerns
Some dogs have more specific health conditions or concerns that make having a pet sitter the best fit for care. If your dog takes regular medication, or is on a very specific diet, a pet sitter will be able to accommodate these needs more, as they are providing more personalized care. In addition, a pet sitter is a great choice for an elderly dog who needs a quieter pace. Lastly, if your dog is (like some of us humans) more prone to picking up illnesses such as kennel cough, they will not be exposed to other infected dogs if they remain in their own home therefore keeping them healthier.
Home Security
Depending on your housing situation, and how long you are gone for, having a pet sitter can serve many purposes. Having someone in and out of your home while you’re away, can serve as a deterrent for a potential burglary. In addition, perhaps you also have a little goldfish and hamster that needs enough food and water to get them through until your return. Expensive house plants that may need a dribble of water mid-week? Depending on your contract, having a pet sitter that is also able to take care of these tasks will keep your home running smoothly until your return.
Other Considerations
If you’ve decided a pet sitter is the best option for your pet care needs, it is important to decipher the difference between a professional pet sitter and a friend or someone you find after doing a quick “in search of” post on Facebook. Keep in mind that while your vacation is likely already breaking the bank, going for the most cost-effective pet sitter may not be the best choice. Depending on whether your dog has additional concerns, hiring a professional with pet first aid, and a background in animal training and behaviour will be a crucial factor to consider.
Pet City Canada is pleased to offer professional Pet Sitting Services. Contact us for more details!
4 Common Causes of Misbehavior in Dogs and What to Do About It!
in Uncategorized/by Pet City CanadaMost of us dog owners have come home to a chewed-up slipper or couch cushion. It is so hard to understand how your dog who loves you unconditionally could do something so destructive! What about the times your dog keeps you up in the night, barking at the tiny flies outside the front door?! Hello frustration! There are so many forms of destructive behavior that can present itself in our furry best friends such as:
While yes, lack of proper training is a definite cause to some of these behaviors, there are often other reasons leading to this type of behavior. Starting with ensuring your dog has received proper training (and often ongoing training) for proper behaviour is important. Remember, your dog doesn’t speak your English and will need to be trained to understand your expectations.
Pent up Energy/Lack of Stimulation
Another cause for destructive behaviours is simply due to pent up energy. Remember, dogs don’t have the same busy lives we do. They don’t go to jobs or have to prepare meals or take care of a busy household. While some breeds need more exercise than others, all dogs need to get at minimum 30-60 minutes of exercise a day! Sending them to the backyard on their own may not be enough.
Lack of Stimulation
Not enough mental stimulation will also lead to boredom in your dog, and then destructive behavior. Basically, your dog is just trying to find something to do with their time! If your dog is left alone for long hours of the day, they are likely not being stimulated enough. Stimulation is a stress reliever for dogs and helps shape their personality.
Keep in mind that dogs do go through an adolescent phase between 5 to 18 months of age. Similar to teenage behavior, at this age your dog may test his limits and see what they can get away with.
Medical Concern
There is always the possibility that sudden onset of misbehavior in your dog is due to a medical condition. If you are at all concerned there is something more going on, ensure you get your dog checked out by your local veterinarian as soon as possible.
At Pet City Canada, we are here to support you! Contact us today!
How to Choose a Happy and Healthy Puppy
in Grooming/by Pet City CanadaWith so many breeds of dogs how do you know if the puppy you choose is healthy and happy?
It would be upsetting for you and your family to bring home a new puppy and find out that it is unwell. Even though some health concerns are not distinguishable early on, some tell tale signs shouldn’t be ignored. Here are a few characteristics you should consider when choosing a new puppy.
Is the puppy house trained?
What are the puppy’s usual urinary and bowel patterns?
Ask questions in regards to the usual elimination pattern of the puppy. There should be no difficulty voiding, no diarrhea or constipation, or vomiting. You want to make sure your new puppy is not bringing home any viruses, parasites, or bacteria; especially if you have small children at home.
What about past examinations and vaccinations?
Consult a Veterinarian when you have chosen your new pet and schedule an examination. Set up grooming appointments and have your dog regularly washed and groomed to monitor for any current concerns or health changes. Contact PetCity Canada to set up a monthly schedule to maintain your pet’s health and well being.
Excellent Tips for Keeping Your Dog Safe During Halloween
in Pet Tips, Safety/by Pet City CanadaHolidays and special occasions can be stressful and dangerous for your pet! There are a few precautions you should follow to keep your dog safe and healthy as Halloween approaches. As more homes display Halloween decorations on cords and wires you may want to consider leaving your canine companion at home during trick-or-treating. If you choose to bring them with you, ensure you keep them safely beside you on a leash.
One Chocolate Won’t Hurt or Will It?
My Dog Loves Going for Walks, but Is Halloween a Safe Time?
I Love Halloween Costumes, so Does My Dog!
I Decorate My House like a Haunted House!
My Dog Loves to Run to the Door at Every Knock!
If you feel your pet has lost out on all the fun Halloween brings, have a stash of Pet-friendly treats on hand.
Make an appointment with one of our certified Pet City Canada groomers and have your dog washed and groomed before the festivities start. Have a safe and happy Halloween!
Top 3 Benefits of Making your Own Pet Food
in Pet Tips, Safety/by Pet City CanadaDeciding what to feed your fur baby can be a hot topic for discussion. As long as you have your pet’s best interests in mind, how you choose to feed your pet is a personal decision. From kibble, to raw meat only, to cooked homemade meals, or chunky meat in a can, there are many options out there. There are certainly benefits to making your own pet food and here we will talk about what they are so you can make your own, informed decision.
Because we all love our fur babies so much, providing the best nutrition possible to them is one reason to choose to make your own pet food. This is very similar to why many parents choose to make their own baby food. You know EXACTLY what is going into the food. Some pet foods are full of additives like chemicals to extend shelf life, while others have actual saw dust added for filler, commonly called Powder Cellulose. With homemade food, you typically make enough for a few days or freeze a big batch, with no concerns of adding additional chemicals to keep it fresh.
Save Money
Does cooked ground turkey mixed with fresh vegetables and eggs sound more extravagant than a bag of dried kibble? You would think this would cost significantly more; however homemade pet food can actually save your pocket books! You don’t pay for the marketing or packaging of the commercial products, you save yourself a trip to the pet store and you likely already have all the ingredients on hand!
Peace of Mind
In Canada, the pet food industry is not regulated. Therefore, unlike the Government warning us humans about food recalls, with pet food it is up to the manufacturer to issue such recalls. Many choose to make their own pet food to always be aware of when there are concerns with the food their pet is ingesting. Many pet foods will include meat by-products, which is a term for anything humans don’t eat like undeveloped eggs, head, teeth, and even cancerous tissue!
Where to even start? If you are interested in giving it a try to see how your pet responds, there are many recipes out there to try, such as this Puppy Stew Recipes for dogs or Boiled Chicken Cat Food.
If you choose that homemade pet food is right for your family, ensure you touch base with your vet to ensure you are aware of all the essential nutrients your pet requires, so you can have a plan on how to add these supplements to your meals. It’s important to know things like dogs can’t digest corn and grains aren’t a natural part of their diet. It is also crucial to be aware of what food to avoid for your pet, for example did you know that grapes are toxic for dogs? This knowledge will help you make the best decision for your pet(s)! Remember: this is a personal choice and if you decide not to create homemade meals for your pet, there are still a lot of good quality commercial options out there!
5 Health Issues that Affect Your Aging Dog
in Grooming, Pet Tips/by Pet City CanadaThe greatest, unconditional love of our life is our loyal canine companion! No one wants to imagine the day when our pet ages and is no longer a part of our family life.
By recognizing the signs of aging of your pet, you can promote a healthy transition for his/her aging process. Regardless of the breed and size of your dog the aging cycle is usually the same.
Some common issues that affect your dog will be changes in: sight, hearing, mobility, activity, health, diet, and mood. Here are 5 of the more common signs and symptoms that your pet is aging:
Health Concerns:
Changes in hearing and sight:
Withdraws from activity:
Difficulty with mobility:
Loss of appetite:
A visit to your Veterinarian at the onset of health and behavioural changes is highly recommended. Your Veterinarian will give you advice and support on how to care for your aging pet.
Contact PetCity Canada to book an appointment with one of our qualified pet groomers.
What You Should Know About Canine Vaccinations to Control Disease, Infection and Transmission!
in Grooming, Pet Tips, Safety/by Pet City CanadaKnowing about some of the diseases and infections your dog is susceptible to will decrease the risk of illness and transmission. Many of the diseases and infections dogs can contract and spread can be avoided through keeping your pet’s vaccinations up to date.
Unfortunately, some of the diseases that can affect your dog can be transferred to you! Germs and diseases are transferred to people through dog bites, scratches, or contact with animal excrement, and are known as zoonotic diseases. Illnesses such as, rabies, toxocarilasis, brucellosis, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ringworm and round worm can cause concern for humans.
Not all canine diseases infect human beings but can be fatal to your pet. Some dog specific viruses, bacteria, and fungal infections are the parvovirus, distemper, heartworm, demodectic mange, kennel cough, dog tapeworm, leptospirosis, coccidioidomycosis, and canine herpesvirus.
Viruses and bacterium are spread through infected airborne particles, direct contact of site infection, fecal oral transmission, or body excrement. To avoid transmission clean up urine, feces, or vomit immediately. Wash your hands after cleaning up after your pet! Keep your pet away from urine and feces left by other animals.
Many of the infectious diseases that affect dogs and humans can be minimized or avoided by keeping your pet’s vaccinations up to date. In fact, most doggy daycares require your pets vaccinations to be up to date prior to booking an appointment. Consult your Veterinarian for a recommended treatment and prevention plan.
Have your dog regularly groomed and clipped to monitor for skin, hair, and temperament changes. A professional groomer will also check your dog’s mouth, eyes and ears looking for any infections, inflammation, or abnormalities.
Please contact us at Pet City Canada to make an appointment to have your dog groomed. Our qualified groomers will be happy to assess and monitor your dog’s condition.
5 Stress Free Tips When Traveling with Pets
in Uncategorized/by Pet City CanadaTraveling with pets can be stressful if you are not prepared ahead of time. Doing some research before setting off for a vacation should elevate some of the worry. Whether you are traveling by air, land, or sea here are some tips to help make your journey safe and exciting!
Pack More Than You Think You’ll Need:
Packing extra supplies may take more room in your suitcase or vehicle, but may save you time and money later! Bring extra food and water in case you have been delayed or have to make an unscheduled overnight stop.
Bring an extra collar and leash in case one is left behind at one of your stops! Pack all important documentation so it is accessible.
Pack toys and treats: even dogs get bored on long journeys!
Check with Your Veterinarian About Safe Travel Requirements:
Check government websites for appropriate travel documentation required for your destination then discuss these with your veterinarian. Consult your veterinarian on required vaccinations, blood tests, and parasite control treatments.
If your dog suffers from carsickness then you’ll require appropriate medications to help keep him/her relaxed. There are medications on the market designed to calm your pet. Always ask your veterinarian before giving your pet any medications.
Microchip implants are required in many destinations and are vital for your pet’s identification if lost or stolen.
Book Accommodations in Advance That Are Pet Friendly:
There are many pet friendly hotels worldwide; make sure to book in advance.
Obey all rules and regulations set out by the accommodation where you are staying. These rules will be enforced to keep all guests happy.
Most hotels that welcome pets charge a fee which may or may not be refundable. Check the costs associated with pet policies before you book your accommodation!
Vehicle and Roadside Pet Safety:
Pet carriers should be large enough to allow your pet to move freely without excess room. Make sure there is adequate ventilation around the carrier. Ask your veterinarian if you are unsure of the size of carrier your pet requires.
Always have your pet on a leash when stopping at rest areas and along roadsides. Dogs will run quickly after animals in surrounding trees and brush! Keep your dog safely away from drinking from puddles, ponds, and stagnant water.
Pre and Post Grooming:
Book an appointment with a certified pet groomer before and after your vacation. A professional groomer will assess the health and condition of your pet to keep them in optimal health. You will be aware of any health concerns before you travel with your pet and not once you have reached your destination!
Have your pet groomed again once you are home to make sure no medical issues have arisen during your travels.
A little advanced planning goes a long way in either making or breaking a vacation. Contact your airline or travel agent regarding travel information and specific requirements for traveling with pets in advance.
Please call Pet City Canada to book a pre and post grooming appointment for your dog. Let our skilled groomers assess your pet’s overall health and take the worry out of your travel plans.
5 Things You Should Know if Your Dog is Aggressive
in Pet Tips, Safety/by Pet City CanadaThe main causes of aggression in dogs are when they are protecting themselves or their pups from a threat, defending their territory/food, or protecting their owners. In some cases, aggression is a sign that your dog needs more exercise. There are precautions, you as the dog owner, can take to prevent injury.
1.Identify the signs your dog shows when becoming aggressive:
2. Know what triggered the aggressive response:
3. Be aware of what influences dog aggression:
4. Know what you can do to protect other animals and people from getting hurt:
5. Know what you should do if your dog becomes aggressive:
and seek medical attention.
If you are concerned your pup isn’t getting enough exercise and is spending long days home alone, please contact us to learn more about the services we have that can support you!