By now, most of us have made (and hopefully some of us have kept) some type of resolution and most commonly these resolutions include a health theme. What about our pets? It’s just as important to make sure we are enforcing top health habits for our dogs, as it is for us. Healthy dogs are happier, live longer, are more enjoyable to be around and even can be easier on our wallets! If we strive to keep our dogs healthy we are also likely enforcing our own healthy resolutions, so it’s a win/win for everyone!

Nutrition provides the energy, vitamins, and nutrients that are required for proper development and maintaining a healthy skin and coat. A healthy, balanced diet can also boost your dog’s immunity, helping to protect them from viruses and increase their ability to fight certain diseases. Of course, there is so much information regarding what we should and should not feed our dogs, it can be tricky to discern what is best. First, all family members should be aware of the most toxic foods to AVOID, to ensure your dog isn’t accidentally poisoned! This is especially important if you let your dog eat your leftovers or food that has fallen on the floor!
Every dog owner will choose the food they provide based on different factors such as whether they are willing and able to prepare the food themselves, how important using the most natural ingredients are, and the cost factor. By looking at the first five ingredients listed on the label, you will know the bulk of the product. You want to ensure meat (real meat, not by-products) and vegetables are within the first few ingredients. If you are interested in making your dog’s food (it’s easier than you think!), you may want to read our blog Top 4 Reasons to Try Making Your Own Dog Food and Treats.
Just like we listen to our own body when choosing the food we eat, we should be listening to our dog as well. If he doesn’t seem interested in the food or shows signs of discomfort, including diarrhea and vomiting, he may have a sensitivity to something and you may want to try a different food. A veterinarian is of course always a good resource to help you pick out the best food for your dog’s health!
Next, ensure your dog is eating the right amount of food. If you give your dog snacks or treats, make sure they don’t exceed 10 % of their daily food intake and only provide healthy and safe treats. Do you give your dog leftovers? Don’t forget to include this in the amount of daily food you allow! Regulating how much you feed your dog will help them maintain a healthy weight. Obesity in dogs can lead to digestive issues, osteoarthritis, cancer, and an increased possibility of complications during surgery. Also, obesity will make the dog more uncomfortable and less likely to be able to enjoy a fun, active life with you! That leads us to another point important for managing your dog’s weight….
Exercise is the second factor in keeping your dog at a healthy weight. It will also keep your dog’s muscles strong and keep internal body systems healthy and in optimal working condition!
Apart from the wonderful physical benefits of exercise, good activity levels will also influence good behavior and will help with training your dog from a young age. You know how parents are often at the park trying to wear their toddlers out with fresh air and activity? The same goes for dogs, tired dogs are good dogs! So, if your dog seems to have regressed and is turning to bad behaviors like chewing or acting up, they may not be getting enough exercise. These tantrums are likely because they are bored! If you don’t time to get your dog out for regular walks and socialization you can contact us to learn more about our dog walking and daycare services.
The great thing about exercising your dog is, it gets you out of the house too and it’s bonding time for that wonderful dog/owner relationship. It’s true that dog owners are more active than non-dog owners! Walking, running, hiking, and swimming are great activities for dogs, but also playing fetch and tug-of-war with your dog will be physically and mentally challenging for them.
Different breeds, ages and, environments will influence how much exercise your dogs need and what you do but don’t let this one go, it’s important for all aspects of having a dog!
Don’t forget all the benefits of regular grooming for your dog. This routine spa day keeps their fur coat shiny and beautiful, is essential for great circulation, and is a great way to detect early health complications. Check out our blog on the Benefits of Regular Grooming for more information. We have self-serve bathing stations at Pet City Canada, however, it is important to have your dog regularly groomed by a professional between washes. Groomers are trained to look for health concerns while they are pampering your pet.
Spaying or Neutering
Typically, people spay or neuter their dogs to prevent overpopulation of pets, especially considering the vast amounts of pets that
need adoption or fostering. Having an unexpected litter of puppies who need training, as well as high medical bills is not healthy for anyone not prepared! However, spaying or neutering your dog also has major health benefits.
When males are neutered, their risk for testicular cancer is greatly reduced. In addition, once neutered males tend to want to stay close to home which keeps them safer because they are less likely to try and escape and get into traffic or other dangerous situations.
Spayed females, especially when spayed before their first heat, will reduce the chance of breast cancer and uterine infections. Breast cancer is very common and results in a high chance of fatality for female dogs, therefore you are putting their best interests in mind when spaying them early.
Routine Checkups and Dental Care
One of the best ways to keep your dog healthy is to ensure you have developed a strong relationship with your local Veterinarian. Taking your young pup to the Vet early on ensures your dog is up to date on his/her vaccinations against deadly diseases. In addition, early and regular check-ups get your dog comfortable with going to the “doctor”, so if they have to go in case of emergency or serious health condition, they will be calm and easier to treat.
Vets provide invaluable deworming treatment and monitoring and treatment for fleas. They will ensure you are aware if your dog is overweight and provide support to get them back on track. Most importantly, regular visits will let you know early on if a health concern comes up and with any complication, the earlier you know the more you can do! Going for regular checkups is proactive to ensure the best health possible for your dog.
Dental care for dogs is also important in keeping them healthy. Just like humans, having dental problems can be very problematic for dogs. Dental injury such as broken teeth or baby teeth that have not fallen out can lead to serious gum problems and additional plaque build up. In addition, gum inflammation is dangerous, as it can lead to the spread of bacteria into the bloodstream causing serious infections. While bones and antlers may help your dog keep their teeth fairly clean, regular brushing and routine examinations by the Veterinarian will only benefit their health!
Don’t forget, A Healthy Dog is a Happy Dog!
4 Things to Consider When House and Yard Training Your Dog
in Uncategorized/by Pet City CanadaHouse training your dog can be very frustrating, especially if you’ve already gone through potty training children (lol)! Why do so many of us find yard and house training such hard work? It could be because we, as the pet owners, are not consistent with training, unable to schedule realistic ‘potty breaks’, or give harsh reprimands when an accident occurs. Whatever the reason for such difficulty training your dog there is help! Here are some suggestions to aid in yard and house training your dog:
How should you prepare yourself and your home for accidents?
When are the best times of the day to schedule a ‘potty break’?
Why is it important to set up a feeding schedule?
How should you properly clean up messes from dog accidents in your home?
It is wonderful to come home to an excited dog waiting for your arrival. However, if your dog has had an accident in the house while you were away he/she will suffer from anxiety. You must be patient and loving when trying to train your dog. Getting upset, especially long after the accident has occurred is confusing for your dog. Give your pet a nutritional treat when they have done their business outside – and lots of praise! Most importantly, BE CONSISTENT.
It may be a great idea to have a pet sitting service or doggy daycare look after your dog when you are away from home. Either way, your dog will be taken outside for that well needed potty break and the bonus of important interactions with other pets and people.
If you are having trouble with training your dog and nothing seems to work consult a Veterinarian to rule out any underlying health concerns.
4 Essentials to Consider Before Becoming a Dog Owner If You Have Children
in Uncategorized/by Pet City CanadaSo your kids want a dog! Having a new pet, especially for children, is rewarding and exciting. Doing some preparation and research ahead of time will make bringing home your new pet fun! Dogs can be therapeutic for children and adults. If you have a child with high energy or anxiety, you may find having a dog can help calm him or her. On the other hand, your dog can help your child burn off some extra energy outside!
Which breed of dog do you want?
Not all breeds are considered equal when it comes to sharing a home with children. Research is vital when picking the perfect pet for your family. Ask a professional who works with domestic pets for suggestions of breeds that suit your family’s lifestyle. How much room will the animal have in your home and yard? Consider the size of your home and vehicle to the size of your pet. Have you ever seen a Saint Bernard in a Porsche or a Rottweiler in a studio apartment?
Safety hazards are not specific to young pets! Older animals are at risk for poisoning or accidents as easily as mischievous young ones are. Take time to walk around your home scrutinizing your environment for hazards. Make sure unsafe items are stored properly and environmental hazards are not accessible to your pet/pets. A few common hazards are as follows:
Who is responsible for training and caring for your pet?
Owning a new pet should be fun and exciting! However, it comes with responsibilities.
It takes a village to raise a family – but – it takes a whole family to raise a pet! Here are some pointers in getting the family involved in the training and caring of your new pet:
What are the best ways to keep your pet healthy and happy?
Keeping a pet healthy and happy doesn’t have to be a chore! Love them, feed them, play with them–that’s all it takes. Love your dog by petting and cuddling him or her. Feed your dog with natural, nutritional foods. Play with your dog by taking him or her swimming, walking, or any sport that keeps them and you engaged.
As you can see, there is a lot to consider when you are looking to add a dog to your family. The most important thing is to make sure your children understand to respect the dog’s space and not overwhelm him or her, especially when you’re just getting to know the dog’s behaviours. Dog’s generally need a lot of exercise, so planning daily outdoor time will help your dog burn off some energy and be calmer inside with your family. If you are all usually away from home for extended periods of time during the day, consider doggy daycare so your new pet can get the appropriate socialization and exercise. As always, consult a professional for any advice you need about your new pet.
5 Important Ways to Keep your Dog Healthy
in Uncategorized/by Pet City CanadaBy now, most of us have made (and hopefully some of us have kept) some type of resolution and most commonly these resolutions include a health theme. What about our pets? It’s just as important to make sure we are enforcing top health habits for our dogs, as it is for us. Healthy dogs are happier, live longer, are more enjoyable to be around and even can be easier on our wallets! If we strive to keep our dogs healthy we are also likely enforcing our own healthy resolutions, so it’s a win/win for everyone!
Nutrition provides the energy, vitamins, and nutrients that are required for proper development and maintaining a healthy skin and coat. A healthy, balanced diet can also boost your dog’s immunity, helping to protect them from viruses and increase their ability to fight certain diseases. Of course, there is so much information regarding what we should and should not feed our dogs, it can be tricky to discern what is best. First, all family members should be aware of the most toxic foods to AVOID, to ensure your dog isn’t accidentally poisoned! This is especially important if you let your dog eat your leftovers or food that has fallen on the floor!
Every dog owner will choose the food they provide based on different factors such as whether they are willing and able to prepare the food themselves, how important using the most natural ingredients are, and the cost factor. By looking at the first five ingredients listed on the label, you will know the bulk of the product. You want to ensure meat (real meat, not by-products) and vegetables are within the first few ingredients. If you are interested in making your dog’s food (it’s easier than you think!), you may want to read our blog Top 4 Reasons to Try Making Your Own Dog Food and Treats.
Just like we listen to our own body when choosing the food we eat, we should be listening to our dog as well. If he doesn’t seem interested in the food or shows signs of discomfort, including diarrhea and vomiting, he may have a sensitivity to something and you may want to try a different food. A veterinarian is of course always a good resource to help you pick out the best food for your dog’s health!
Next, ensure your dog is eating the right amount of food. If you give your dog snacks or treats, make sure they don’t exceed 10 % of their daily food intake and only provide healthy and safe treats. Do you give your dog leftovers? Don’t forget to include this in the amount of daily food you allow! Regulating how much you feed your dog will help them maintain a healthy weight. Obesity in dogs can lead to digestive issues, osteoarthritis, cancer, and an increased possibility of complications during surgery. Also, obesity will make the dog more uncomfortable and less likely to be able to enjoy a fun, active life with you! That leads us to another point important for managing your dog’s weight….
Apart from the wonderful physical benefits of exercise, good activity levels will also influence good behavior and will help with training your dog from a young age. You know how parents are often at the park trying to wear their toddlers out with fresh air and activity? The same goes for dogs, tired dogs are good dogs! So, if your dog seems to have regressed and is turning to bad behaviors like chewing or acting up, they may not be getting enough exercise. These tantrums are likely because they are bored! If you don’t time to get your dog out for regular walks and socialization you can contact us to learn more about our dog walking and daycare services.
The great thing about exercising your dog is, it gets you out of the house too and it’s bonding time for that wonderful dog/owner relationship. It’s true that dog owners are more active than non-dog owners! Walking, running, hiking, and swimming are great activities for dogs, but also playing fetch and tug-of-war with your dog will be physically and mentally challenging for them.
Different breeds, ages and, environments will influence how much exercise your dogs need and what you do but don’t let this one go, it’s important for all aspects of having a dog!
Don’t forget all the benefits of regular grooming for your dog. This routine spa day keeps their fur coat shiny and beautiful, is essential for great circulation, and is a great way to detect early health complications. Check out our blog on the Benefits of Regular Grooming for more information. We have self-serve bathing stations at Pet City Canada, however, it is important to have your dog regularly groomed by a professional between washes. Groomers are trained to look for health concerns while they are pampering your pet.
Spaying or Neutering
Typically, people spay or neuter their dogs to prevent overpopulation of pets, especially considering the vast amounts of pets that
need adoption or fostering. Having an unexpected litter of puppies who need training, as well as high medical bills is not healthy for anyone not prepared! However, spaying or neutering your dog also has major health benefits.
When males are neutered, their risk for testicular cancer is greatly reduced. In addition, once neutered males tend to want to stay close to home which keeps them safer because they are less likely to try and escape and get into traffic or other dangerous situations.
Spayed females, especially when spayed before their first heat, will reduce the chance of breast cancer and uterine infections. Breast cancer is very common and results in a high chance of fatality for female dogs, therefore you are putting their best interests in mind when spaying them early.
Routine Checkups and Dental Care
One of the best ways to keep your dog healthy is to ensure you have developed a strong relationship with your local Veterinarian. Taking your young pup to the Vet early on ensures your dog is up to date on his/her vaccinations against deadly diseases. In addition, early and regular check-ups get your dog comfortable with going to the “doctor”, so if they have to go in case of emergency or serious health condition, they will be calm and easier to treat.
Dental care for dogs is also important in keeping them healthy. Just like humans, having dental problems can be very problematic for dogs. Dental injury such as broken teeth or baby teeth that have not fallen out can lead to serious gum problems and additional plaque build up. In addition, gum inflammation is dangerous, as it can lead to the spread of bacteria into the bloodstream causing serious infections. While bones and antlers may help your dog keep their teeth fairly clean, regular brushing and routine examinations by the Veterinarian will only benefit their health!
Don’t forget, A Healthy Dog is a Happy Dog!
Kennel vs. Pet-Sitting – What to do with Your Dog While on Christmas Vacation
in Uncategorized/by Pet City CanadaPerhaps you are one of the lucky ones, packing your beach bag and a book to head for a tropical vacation this cold holiday season. Or perhaps you are one of the unlucky ones and have to travel to Northern Canada where it is even colder, to visit with your nitpicky in-laws over Christmas. Regardless, if you are going away over the holidays it doesn’t always work to bring your furry friend with you. Often, dogs get lucky in the summer and get to tag along for family camping trips at the lake, but the holiday season is a more common time where travel is focused on visiting family afar or a sunny vacation destination, in which it is not possible to bring the family dog. Dog owners are often perplexed as to what to do with their pets in these situations, trying to ensure the most positive experience for their dog during this separation. There are many options available, but the two most common scenarios are in-home pet-sitting, or to board your dog at a kennel.
First, a pet-sitter can come in different forms. A pet-sitter could simply be asking a close family member or friend to take your dog for the time you are away. Your dog would pack his suitcase with his bed, food, leash, favorite toy, and medication, if required, and go for multiple day sleepovers at a friend’s house. This scenario is likely the most cost-effective way of finding care for your dog and is simple as you don’t need to do a complete background check for the caretaker of your precious fur baby. Chances are your dog would already be familiar with this pet-sitter and maybe even the environment. You would be able to pack your own bag and leave on your jet plane with ease of mind. However, not everyone has the luxury of knowing someone kind enough to take on such a responsibility.
Alternately, there are people (like us!) that you can hire as a pet-sitter. This would often be done in your own home in which a professional pet-sitter would come to your home while you are away. At Pet City Canada, we come to your home ahead of time to meet your pet(s) and make sure our pet sitter is a good fit for you and your pet(s). This option is also favourable as it doubles as a house-sitter and keep your home secure and safe while you are away. If you have more than one dog, chances are it will be easier to hire someone to come to your home than shipping multiple dogs to a friend’s house. Also, for dogs that are nervous with new places this option keeps them secure in their own familiar environment, with their regular routine, toys, sounds etc.
Boarding Kennel
A boarding kennel is another option available. This type of boarding is very different than pet-sitting and once you look around at different options, you will find kennels vary greatly between themselves, as far as the environment goes, and what is offered and/or available to your dog. Basically, a Kennel is a larger environment which provides temporary housing for animals (typically cats and dogs) for a fee. Kennels typically are very busy and offer room to run around and play indoors and outdoors. This environment will keep your dog entertained and exercised, and likely will have 24-hour staffing on-site. A kennel is better suited for dogs that are already socialized, have basic obedience training in place, and due to the number of dogs in care at a time, are up to date with their vaccinations.
Now you know the basic differences between kennels and pet-sitters, how do you decide? The following items are what you need to consider when making this decision:
Key Things to Consider When Booking your Pet’s Care
We’re expert pet sitters and have experience minding more than dogs! We’ve taken care of reptiles, birds, cats, and rabbits (to name a few!). If you have any questions about in-home pet sitting, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
5 Helpful Tips to Stop Unwanted Barking
in Uncategorized/by Pet City CanadaDogs bark, birds chirp, cats meow, and cows moo. While listening to these sounds of nature can be soothing, they can often also be irritating. It is important to remember this is one of the ways animals communicate to each other and to us. While barking is a dogs way of sending a message, it doesn’t mean all barking is warranted. Just like other unwanted behaviors, such as chewing shoes or jumping on guests, dogs can be trained to stop barking when not justified.
First, you want to understand why your dog is barking. Dogs bark for many reasons including warning of danger (protective barking), because they are alarmed, they may feel lonely, they may want to induce play, or even seek attention. Clearly some of these reasons, such as warning of an intruder or a natural response to being alarmed, make sense and many of us have dogs for this extra protection. However, the other reasons for barking, such as seeking attention, greeting guests, or even being constantly alarmed by every movement outside, can be very irritating. There are many gadgets and training techniques that you can try to break your dog of unwarranted barking.
Train Your Dog to be Quiet
Teaching your dog to be silent on command is a very useful tool and will come in handy to stop unwanted barking. However, to teach your dog to be silent, first they have to be trained to speak on command. This may sound a little backwards, but this technique has proven to be successful. Once they learn the command for “speak,” they can learn the command for “quiet” (also known as “time to stop barking!”). Ask your trainer for tips on this training or check out some valuable resources here.
Prevent Boredom
Alter the Environment to Rid of Barking Stimulants
Train Appropriate Greeting/Play Behaviours
If your dog uses barking as a greeting, or barks excessively as part of playing, it could be quite irritating for you, your guests, or others in close vicinity. Training appropriate greeting and playing
behaviours could eliminate this unwanted barking. To train greeting behaviours, it must start with you, as the owner. Once they have this down pat, start introducing visitors to ensure they have an acceptable way of greeting everyone who comes to the door. Maintain calmness when you approach the dog at the door and have special place for them to sit. Your calmness and expectation of your dog to remain calm will go a long way. Of course, initially, rewarding this behavior with treats will get you off to a great start! Remember consistency and patience is crucial!
This will come in handy for dogs that barks out of pure excitement when playing and will give you more control of their barking during these fun times too. There are a lot of resources online to teach your dog the quiet command, and it’s always great to enlist a professional trainer for assistance in properly training your dog to ensure positive behaviors.
Use Aids
If your dog’s barking is chronic, disruptive, and problematic you might need immediate assistance to keep the peace with a Bark Control Aid. There are many different types of aids that will eliminate barking quite quickly such as Electronic Bark Control Collars or Spray Collars. When the aid is triggered by barking it will emit either electric vibration, an ultrasonic noise, or an unwanted scented spray that will give a negative association as a result of barking. Theoretically, the dog will learn to stop barking as the result will not be positive (see Pavolvian Conditioning). Important: keep in mind these tools are not to be used in place of training, daily exercise, and play. They are available to help with other tools when in a problematic situation. Always consult your trainer for appropriate use of these aids.
Remember to stay calm, consistent, and patient and don’t hesitate to seek external help when dealing with problematic dog behavior! And, of course, call Pet City Canada for your pet sitting and dog walking needs to ensure your dog is getting a healthy amount of exercise and stimulation.
How to Keep Your Pet Safe on Halloween
in Uncategorized/by Pet City CanadaHalloween is a time for kids to get dressed up as their favorite princess or scariest character and go out to collect candy from neighbours and friends. This cherished holiday, by kids and adults alike, can lead to a night full of sugar, fun, and memories. Costumes, forbidden treats, scary sights, and loud noises are not as exciting for pets; this night can actually be traumatizing and dangerous for pets when precautions are not made to keep them safe. The following are some tips on how to keep your pet(s) safe on Halloween.
Keep Animals Confined
Stay Away From the Treats
We may all have a goal of avoiding the mini candy bars and tootsie rolls our kids bring home on this evening, but more importantly, you need to ensure your pet doesn’t get into these tasty treats. Many treats contain xylitol which can be toxic for dogs and cats. In addition, chocolate poisoning can be lethal and not something a pet owner wants to endure. It’s also important to ensure candy wrappers get put away so that your furry friends don’t ingest the packaging, which could lead to a life-threatening bowel obstruction.
Loud Scary Noises
The loud crackling of fireworks is a common noise on a Halloween evening. Animals are often quite frightened by these loud noises and with heightened sensitivity, these events can lead to high stress and anxiety. As we cannot prevent this experience, it is important to know how to protect our precious pets during these situations. First of all, ensuring your pet is confined so they don’t respond to the noise by fleeing is crucial. Keeps dogs and cats inside and other small animals in their protected cages. Dogs and cats will retreat to different hiding places throughout your home, so ensure these exist and allow them to go there as they wish. Next, closing windows and curtains and playing music or having the TV on will help in muffle the sound. With small animals in cages such as rabbits or guinea pigs, you can place a blanket over the cage to muffle the sound even further. Remember that animals such as dogs require reassurance from their owner, therefore ensuring you stay calm is important to send them the message that everything will be ok.
While our intentions are hopefully always in the right place, and no responsible pet owner would want anything negative to happen to their pet on Halloween night, accidents do happen. As previously discussed, pets can be spooked quite easily with all the chaos and the natural tendency is for them to flee. In case this does happen, it is so important to make sure your pets have proper identification on them. A tag with name and number of the owner, or even a microchip, will lead to an easier time locating a pet that has fled further than intended.
Halloween is meant to be a fun and safe occasion. You can help make keep it that way by following these guidelines to ensure your pet’s safety. If you are really worried about the anxiety level in your pet on Halloween you could always try leaving a bowl of candy outside of your door, to avoid having multiple knocks throughout the night. Stay safe and have fun!
5 Benefits of Regular Dog Grooming
in Uncategorized/by Pet City CanadaThere are so many luxuries available to pets these days that most of us may roll our eyes at such as themed pet parties, pawdicures, fur extensions, and private personal training (no, not behavioral training, but personal training to help those dogs that have a few extra pounds to lose and need the support of a professional!). These extravagant services may be out of reach for those of us that don’t reside on Hollywood’s popular block, but regular grooming, albeit a trip to the puppy spa, is a responsibility all dog owners have. Having your pets regularly groomed is not only beneficial for esthetics, but for their overall health. Professional groomers (like the two amazing gals we have at Pet City Canada!) are trained to look detect health ailments as a part of the grooming process. So, if you think grooming is done just to get rid of Rover’s odour, think again; we’ve compiled a list of 5 important benefits of having your dog regularly groomed by a trained professional.
A professional groomer will look for abnormalities with your dog’s anatomy such as lumps, rashes, lesions, inflammation, or infections that a dog owner may not notice right away. Therefore, when you take your dog to a groomer regularly, there is a greater chance that early warning signs of health complications will be noticed. Just like in humans, the earlier problem is found the easier it is to treat and the greater chance of recovery.
Remember as a dog owner, preventative health care also includes annual physical exams with your Veterinarian, proper nutrition, regular exercise, parasite control, dental care, and of course lots and lots of love.
It’s safe to assume that the majority of humans would not choose to go out with matted, dandruff-filled hair. It’s also safe to assume that dogs don’t particularly like this, however, they aren’t able to just hop in the shower for a good scrub, brush, and blow-out their hair on their own! As a responsible dog owner, apart from taking your dog to the groomer regularly, it is crucial that you brush their fur regularly and bath them immediately if they have found a messy treasure to roll around in.
Regular brushing (every few days) is crucial to avoiding mats in their fur. Mats are balls of knotted hair that end up pulling the skin tight and causing discomfort and even pain. Besides extreme discomfort, mats can lead to serious problems such as skin ulcers or abrasions. Brushing your dog regularly will also help to bring out the natural oils in the dog’s fur while removing dead hair, dirt, and dandruff. The oils brought out during a good brush will give the coat a healthy shine.
The benefits of bathing your dog, with of course the most appropriate pet shampoos, include stimulating the dog’s circulatory system. Who doesn’t like the mini head massage your hair dresser gives you during your appointment?! Regular baths will keep your pet’s skin clean and healthy.
4. Less Hair, Better Aroma
Is it possible to have a pleasant smelling, clean house when you own dogs? Regular dog grooming will keep your dog clean and smelling good, so your home doesn’t pick up the “dirty dog” odour. Also, regular grooming and brushing will remove much of the loose hair stuck in your dog’s fur, so the process of shedding becomes more controlled. Apart from picking out the perfect hairbrush for your fur baby, if you have a dog that seems to shed non-stop, make sure you check out the de-shedding tools available in today’s pet market.
While the extra hair and dirt are eliminated through regular brushing, we are also eliminating the chance for fleas and ticks to take up home in the extra debris. Humans can catch illnesses from these parasites, so regular grooming will protect your family’s health too!
5. Mental Health
Of course, we all know it’s what is on the inside that counts. But really, just like humans, when a dog feels they are looking good, with good hygiene, and a tidy haircut, they feel good! The better the mental state, the better the behaviour. A happy dog will be friendlier, more predictable, and more energetic. And of course, happy dog = happy owner.
As you can see, there are many benefits of having your pet(s) regularly groomed, not only for them but for your whole family. Our groomers, Cori and Lara, have over 45 years of combined experience. If you have any questions about grooming your pet(s), they would be happy to help you.
6 Ways to Keep your Dog Cool in the Heat
in Uncategorized/by Pet City CanadaHeat in the summer months can be very appealing to most of us, as we enjoy the outdoors and soak up vitamin D. However, dogs don’t always cope with it like us humans do. Dogs do not regulate their body temperature the same way humans do; when we get hot, we automatically sweat through glands all over our body. In addition, we can find some shade and fetch ourselves a cool drink (no pun intended!). Dogs, however, have a small number of sweat glands on their body, on the pads of their paws, and in their nose; sweating is not an efficient way for them to cool off, this is why we often see them panting in the heavy heat. By panting, they are breathing to circulate the air through their body faster in an effort to cool off. Seeing a dog panting is a warning that you need to help them find a way to cool off. Below are some fun and interesting ways that can be essential to keeping your furry friends cool in the summer heat:
Water, water, and you’ve got it, more water!
Beat the Heat with Frozen Treats
Who doesn’t get excited when they hear the bells of an ice cream truck coming into the neighborhood?!?! Humans aren’t the only creatures that enjoy a yummy treat in the summer. Dogs can certainly enjoy frozen treats too! However, giving a double scoop, waffle cone ice cream isn’t recommended for dogs because most of them are lactose intolerant. BUT… there are many frozen treats a dog can enjoy, there is even ice cream made for dogs available at some local markets! Homemade frozen dog treats are easy to make on your own. Check out these recipes!
Provide Sufficient Shady Areas
We don’t all have air conditioning in our homes and sometimes, depending on the structure of our house, the yard is the coolest place to be. Make sure that if stuck outside during the warmest hours of the day, your dog has a cool place out of the direct sun to retreat. If you don’t, by default, have a shady area in your yard (such as big trees, or access underneath a deck)
you will want to consider building a homemade shade for your dog or investing in a product such as the Pet Cot Canopy.
Take a Dip!
We all know how nice a cool swim in lake feels when temperatures are scorching in the summer. This is also a great way for dogs to cool off. An added benefit is the energy your dog will expel during this activity! However, not all dogs know how to swim or are strong swimmers. If this is the case for your furry friend, look into purchasing a dog life jacket. For those that don’t live close to a fresh body of water, a kiddie pool or “doggie pool” is another great way to allow your dog to cool off in the water.
Cool Surfaces
Have you ever noticed your dog gravitating to the “coolest” floor in the house after a long walk or fetch activity? Ensuring your dog has a cool surface to lie on in the house can provide a way to keep them cool. Tile floors work well for this, but if you aren’t about to renovate your home solely for this purpose you can purchase a cooling mat for your dog to rest on. Cooling mats function by absorbing the heat from the dog and dispersing the heat into the environment. Much cheaper than redesigning a kitchen or bathroom and these mats are typically designed to also be used as a travel accessory.
Lastly, while keeping your dog cool is crucial for their health and safety in the summer, the easiest way to prevent overheating in dogs is to NEVER leave them unattended in a hot vehicle. It is so easy to overestimate the amount of time it takes for the interior of a vehicle to heat up to dangerous temperatures. As a rule of thumb, NEVER leave your precious furry friend in this situation. In addition, if you see a dog left unattended in a hot vehicle please look for help!
Leaving your dog tied up in the hot sun is just as dangerous, as is walking them on hot pavement. These two situations can also lead to overheating AND burning extremely quick.
As you can see, there are many different strategies (and cool gadgets of course) to tackle the heat when it comes to keeping your furry friend safe and comfortable. Remember, a cool dog is a happy dog! If you know your dog will be stuck in the heat (inside or out) consider booking our doggy daycare, where they can enjoy air conditioning or head outside to play in the water with their friends. Learn more here:
Top 4 Reasons You Should Try Making Your Own Dog Food and Treats
in Uncategorized/by Pet City CanadaMaking your own dog food and treats not only eliminates the “unknown” ingredients but is also more cost effective. “Who has time for that?!” you’re thinking. Your homemade dog food doesn’t have to be fancy, let’s face it, most dogs will eat anything! The main goal here is to make food that is HEALTHIER, not fancier. Many recipes are super easy, with only 4-8 ingredients that you probably already have at home. They can also be made in large batches and frozen for later consumption.
Research has shown that the chemicals and preservatives found in dog food and treats can cause harm to their brain, impede behaviour, and even cause aggression in some cases. According to, an international pet food crisis was to blame for kidney failure causing death in cats and dogs in 2007 because of melamine contaminated food from China. This grain by-product is a cheap alternative to protein but is a component of PLASTIC!
The best way to eliminate fillers, chemicals, and hormones from your pet’s food and treats is to make your own so you know exactly what is going into it. We try to be conscious consumers by checking labels, monitoring salt and sugar intake, and monitoring processed food intake for ourselves, so why not do the same for our little fur babies? Here are the top 5 reasons you should give making your own pet food a try:
In the first 6 months of 2017, there have been more than 15 recalls on dog foods and treats in North America. You can sign up to have these recalls delivered right to your inbox from Dog Food Advisor: These recalls occurred because of “possible chemical contamination”, “possible salmonella”, and one even says “product may contain elevated levels of naturally occurring beef thyroid hormone”.
The reality is we cannot control the ingredients in these foods and treats, nor does every single person who purchased them receive the recall notice. The best way to avoid them is to make your own food and avoid purchasing commercial food and treats as much as possible.
Homemade dog treats are healthier because you can tailor them to your pet’s specific dietary requirements. If you have an overweight dog you might try making heart healthy snacks. You can also try ingredients that will help keep your dog’s teeth and gums healthy. Commercial chews are usually made from starches that are gummier and have the opposite effect. You can add in more vegetables and make crunchier treats which will aid in removing build up on their teeth. With the help of websites like, you can create custom meals based on your pet’s dietary requirements.
You get what you pay for when it comes to most things in life and dog food is no different. If you’re looking for chemical-free, grain-free, and hormone-free treats you better start saving your pennies. Since you can choose which meat you are using, watch for sales and markdowns at your local grocer. Pair up with a friend and make a double batch to save even more. By making your pet’s food at home, you can save yourself money.
YOU CHOOSE WHAT’S IN THEM! Wanna add some omegas? Go ahead! Thinking of adding in glucosamine? Go for it! (Always check with your vet first!) You can make their food and treats super tasty with their favourite foods while maintaining the nutrition level their body needs! Some common fillers you could find in your dog’s food and treats are soy, wheat, corn, nut/seed hulls, citrus pulp, modified corn starch, weeds, and feathers. FEATHERS?! Dogs are not able to digest grains very well, so these fillers can be very harmful and lead to obesity and diabetes. They will leave your pet feeling full but they truly aren’t receiving much, if any, nutrition.
As you can see, doing your homework when purchasing pet food and treats is important to avoid unnecessary fillers and chemicals. It is equally as important to do research into the appropriate portion sizes and ingredients when making your pet food at home. There are so many easy recipes online for making your own pet food and treats. If you don’t know what foods are best for your dog’s breed, talk to your vet; they can give you good direction on how to maintain a healthy, balanced diet for your pet.
Here’s an example of a dog food recipe:
Here’s an example of a super easy dog treat recipe: