
4 Things to Consider When House and Yard Training Your Dog

4 Things to Consider When House and Yard Training Your Dog

House training your dog can be very frustrating, especially if you’ve already gone through potty training children (lol)! Why do so many of us find yard and house training such hard work? It could be because we, as the pet owners, are not consistent with training, unable to schedule realistic ‘potty breaks’, or give harsh reprimands when an accident occurs. Whatever the reason for such difficulty training your dog there is help! Here are some suggestions to aid in yard and house training your dog:

How should you prepare yourself and your home for accidents?

  • Try to keep your dog in carpet-free areas until he/she is trained. Dogs cannot tell the difference between grass and carpet, so if they have to go inside, it’ll most likely be on carpet.
  • Place newspaper or paper towel on the floor in your bathroom or laundry room, when you are out for extended periods, in case your dog has an accident. Alternatively, you can purchase dog training pads.
  • Clean up the first few messes with paper towel and place the soiled papers outside in the area you wish your dog to use.
  • Take your dog to the same spot in your yard every time, making sure they do their business.
  • Keep your dog well groomed and clean, including regularly washing his/her bedding.

When are the best times of the day to schedule a ‘potty break’?

  • First thing in the morning and last thing at night is the perfect time to take your dog outside to relieve him/her self. You should also watch for signs that your dog might need to go outside after they eat a meal.
  • Take your dog outside every hour during waking times until he/she can hold it longer and give you signs that he/she needs to go outside.
  • If you have been away from home for an extended period take your dog outside right away. Since your dog is more than likely going to be super excited about your return, he/she may have an accident if you don’t get him/her outside in time.

Why is it important to set up a feeding schedule?

  • Setting up a feeding schedule helps promote a routine of elimination. The more times a day a dog eats, the more they have to relieve themselves. Consult a Veterinarian for information on the best eating pattern and amount of food for your dog’s breed.
  • Take away any uneaten food after 20 minutes, this helps to keep the number of times a day the dog has to relieve him/her self to a minimum.

How should you properly clean up messes from dog accidents in your home?

  • Pet urine should be cleaned thoroughly so no odour remains, otherwise, your dog will return to the same spot repeatedly.
  • Wipe away all urine or feces, wash the area with warm soapy water, then spray with odour and stain remover following the directions on the container.
  • Ask your Veterinarian or Pet Centre for advice on top odour and stain removers that are safe for your pet. Be aware that the harmful residue of chemicals in cleaning products is absorbed through the pads of your pet’s paws.
  • Avoid steam cleaning carpets as this will set the stains on the carpet fibres.

It is wonderful to come home to an excited dog waiting for your arrival. However, if your dog has had an accident in the house while you were away he/she will suffer from anxiety. You must be patient and loving when trying to train your dog. Getting upset, especially long after the accident has occurred is confusing for your dog. Give your pet a nutritional treat when they have done their business outside – and lots of praise! Most importantly, BE CONSISTENT.

It may be a great idea to have a pet sitting service or doggy daycare look after your dog when you are away from home. Either way, your dog will be taken outside for that well needed potty break and the bonus of important interactions with other pets and people.

If you are having trouble with training your dog and nothing seems to work consult a Veterinarian to rule out any underlying health concerns.